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Sustainability Matters to Us

We are dedicated to fostering sustainability as a lifestyle and vision for the future. Beyond scientific advancements, we recognize the responsibility to conserve resources, protect the environment, and uphold social accountability.

Sustainability at the Conference
We strive to minimize our ecological footprint, support local communities, and inspire participants to adopt sustainable practices in science and daily life.
- Invited speakers and attendees from Europe will be encouraged to travel by train.
- Lunches, Welcome reception and Gala dinner  will include vegetarian food options
- Bottled water or single-use wares will be avoided
- Our aim is to minimize the volume of conference materials, therefore, the abstract book will be available only in electronic format
- We do not use plastic badge holders; instead, participants will receive paper-based name cards
- In an effort to reduce paper usage, invoices will not be printed; participants will receive them via email following payment
- There is no need for our participants to print the confirmation; stating their name during on-site registration is sufficient

Thank you for being part of the FEBS Advanced Lecture Course - 5th Danube Conference on Epigenetics, where science meets sustainability!


  • Payment of early registration fee
    15 July 2024
  • Recommended date for hotel reservation
    31 August 2024
  • Late abstract submission
    6 September 2024
  • Cancellation of registration without penalty
    31 August 2024

FEBS has twin commitments to high-quality publications and the promotion of molecular biosciences. As a charitable academic organization,
FEBS uses income from the journals to fund its diverse activities, including support for FEBS Advanced Courses.